Looking for a place to spend your summer? Try something entirely new!

Posted on 28/01/2021 12:37pm

All of us have some favourite spots for spending summers and holidays. Very repeatedly, we go to the same hotel, lake or even the town for many years in a row. Certainly, it can be a good experience, as this is part of human nature that we prefer to come back to places we know and where we feel good. Many of us, even when at the end decide to go for something new, will pick up city or country, which is quite similar to this one, where he / she was spending holidays before.

For example, he / she would go to another town, but still next to the Polish lakes.

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In such case, there would be a different hostel, different pubs, and even a little bit different views and attractions, but still – the cuisine is similar, the language is the same, and the overall experience is quite similar. However, I do not want to criticize such practice. The goal of this short article is quite different. It is to make you considering how it would be, if you would eventually go to entirely different place. Place, you even didn’t think previously as a holiday destination for you. Let’s discuss that scenario for a while. This is only a hypothetical thing, but maybe would manage to convince you to try something new? warsaw.jpg|R|W=200|ALT=Warsaw|TITLE=Warsaw]

So you already made a decision that you want to go for a new place. Later on, after spending years of your summer in the same location next to the sea, you wanna try something new. As you are not sure which place to pick up, you make a decision to leave it to fate. You open the site with flight connections and look for promotions . You promised to yourself that you will go to the place where is the largest reduction in plane ticket prices. You notice that today there is a extremely attractive promotion for flights to japan. You never even thought about this country, but as you already made a promise to yourself, you check flights from warsaw to tokyo. And you book a flight tickets.

Author: Luc Legay
Source: http://www.flickr.com
In a few months, you are already on a aircraft. For next 4 weeks, you discover entirely new word. You finally have an occasion to discover new tastes, talk to new individuals, get familiar with new culture, experience entirely new customs and even architecture. At the beginning this is hard. You don’t feel so comfortable and there are some moments when you even regret that decision . But after a few days, you notice that you genuinely enjoy this entirely new experience. You also notice, that you have never learnt so many new things in such a short period. You see that you are becoming more open for new people and other beliefs.

And thereafter,after returning from your holiday, you finally have a feeling, that you experienced something new, and what is even more crucial – that it was worth to leave your comfort zone and try something new! And now, I would like you to really think about this idea. Isn’t this alluring?

Tags: holiday, flight, plane